Southern New England : North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA)

Jeff Rhodes and Karen Beyer,
with Brasch at the Invitational

Ann Bagnell and Luchi

Elmo on point

Sue Rhodes and Benelli


New Recipient of the KEMO CUP: VC CH Osage Caesar (Brasch) MH

Brasch's newest achievement was the 2007 award of the Spinone Club of America KEMO CUP for excellence in the field, reflecting his accomplishments of a new AKC Master Hunter (MH) and the NAVHDA Versatile Champion (VC) title in 2006. He is one of only ten Spinoni to have ever achieved the Master Hunt title, his sister Luchi (from our "B" litter) also being one of those ten.

Versatile Champion: VC CH Osage Caesar (Brasch) MH

We are pleased to announce that a "puppy" from our "C" Litter completed the 2006 Invitational with a maximum score of 200 points. Brasch is handled by Karen Beyer and owned by Karen Beyer and Ann Bagnell.

For those not familiar with it, the Invitational is the flagship test in the NAVHDA system, open to those who receive a prize one Utility score in the prior calendar year. It is described this way by NAVHDA:

The NAVHDA Invitational is a 'by invitation only' event held annually. The invited dogs perform to the highest level of competence in the NAVHDA Utility Test, demonstrating the full range of a true versatile hunting dog. The events include: water work with a marked retrieve, a blind retrieve, and honoring a retrieve and one hour braced field work requiring search, pointing, backing and retrieving.

The Invitational this year was held in Bloomingdale, OH, and was hosted by the Buckeye Chapter, our NAVHDA Chapter. Jeff, as a NAVHDA judge and the president of our chapter, was one of the key organizers of the four-day event.

New Master Hunter; Utility Prize I: Osage Bria (Luchi) MH

Luchi finished her AKC Master Hunter title at the Spinone Club of America (SCOA) annual meeting in April. She is one of only ten Spinoni to have ever achieved the Master Hunt title, along with her brother Brasch (from our "C" litter).

Luchi also earched a NAVHDA Utility Prize I, 201 points (in 2006), and is now training for the 2007 Invitational in Mexico, Missouri. Luchi is handled by Ann Bagnell and owned by Karen Beyer and Ann Bagnell.

New Utility Prize II: Osage Birichino (Elmo)

Elmo earched a NAVHDA Utility Prize II, 188 points, at the Mid Ohio test. He is owned and handled by Bill Revercomb.

New AKC titles: Osage Benelli Over Under JH CD RA

We are pleased to announce that in back-to-back competitions Benelli earned her Companion Dog title (in the "B" class, no less) as well as Rally Advanced. Benelli is owned by Jeff and Sue Rhodes and handled by Sue Rhodes.

New Beginning Obedience achievement: Osage Asiago

Asiago, recently adopted by Joanne Giberson, has just completed her Basic Obedience certificate. Way to go, Joanne!

Joanne and Asi are also active in NAVHDA, and Asi is training for her NAVHDA Utility Test. Asi lives with a "versatile" golden retriever named Slim and an unusual feline named Baker.


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Jeff and Sue Rhodes
1959 Millersburg Rd, WOOSTER, OH 44691
(330) 264-9253

© Copyright 2006 Osage Kennel. All rights reserved.
Site updated September 25, 2006.