American Versatile Hunting Dog Association (NAVHDA)
An organization dedicated to foster, promote, and improve the versatile
hunting dog breeds in North America.
Join a chapter near you!
Club of America (SCOA)
The parent club for Spinoni in the U.S.
Kennel Club (AKC)
The AKC goal is promoting the sport of purebred dogs and breeding for
type and function. Find information here to enter a hunt test or the conformation
Spinone Only Days
Join other Spinoni owners in Bowdoinham, Maine for
an annual relaxed, fun and educational three-day field and water training
experience. Geared for novices to experts, everyone can benefit from this
opportunity (and the lobster ain't bad either!).
Therapy Dogs International
A volunteer organization dedicated to regulating,
testing and registration of therapy dogs and their volunteer handlers.
Sue Rhodes is a Certified TDI Evaluator.
Dog Training Resources
on the Web
A gateway site with useful links.